Friday, October 24, 2008

Brief 4 | Motion Text Animation Final

Here's my final animation.
After alot of frustraion and angst and wanting to throw my computer out of my 16 storey window, I've settled for this. I don't think I'll be able to do much better.

Phew!! All done!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Brief 4 | Examples

Here are some more sourced videos I've found off Youtube that I really like.

Really like the spotlighting in this last video. Going to try to attempt something like that. Looks good.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Brief 4 | More concept ideas

Here are just some images that i've found of the band's album art which I want to adapt into the concept for my animation.

I want to have a similar colour theme and similar weighted type, with a quite angular shapes to aid in creating the structured movement I'm trying to aim for.

Not really sure how I'll use this last image, but I really like it.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Brief 4 | Text Layouts

Just been playing around with some of the layouts for the text in the animation.

Think i'm just going to have the animation very heavily text based and use the movement of the text as the main feature.

Here are some of the layouts i've been playing with:

This first image, is of the first verse of the song. I want to have the camera effect pan across the multi-directional words as they appear in the frame in time to the music.

Just a little layout of the song title, not sure if i'll have enough time to get to the chorus of the song, so I'll have to wait and see.

This image is for the second verse, which has very truncated, stacatoed text and rhythm. I want to have the repeated text 'they call me' growing out of the sides of the 'names'.

Just some rough ideas for the layout. Still needs some thought.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Brief 4 | Motion Text Animation

With this brief I really want to do something a bit retro and funky. Have a bit of fun with it.
I think I'll probably use the song,

"That's not my name" by the Ting Ting's

It's got a really great beat that i'm hoping will be slightly easier to sync the text too. Hopefully.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Brief 3 | Aftereffects Animation Final

Rather sad in comparison with the others, but its my first time using Aftereffects, and i've learnt alot from this.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Brief 3 | Research

Here's some more videos I really liked:

Love, love, love the ink on parchment look!

This one is one of my favourites!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Brief 3 | Aftereffects Animation

With this animation I'm not quite sure how I want to do it yet.
I'm thinking of showing a progression of time, through water and it's proverbial 'life-cycle'.
Really love some of these videos that I found on youtube.

Absolutely love the affect created, I know I won't be able to do anything even remotely close, but the idea is there :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Brief 2 | Completed image

And this is the final image of Andy Whitfield as a doll. Naturally he's made in china.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Brief 2 | More progress

Just posting a little bit of progress, so far Andy's doll-self looks like this:

Still needs alot of work, but is starting to take form

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Brief 2 | Progress

Have been looking at Photoshop tutorials online, and found one on Worth1000 that I found particularly helpful. This one is about digitally creating hair, which of course is incredibly applicable when trying to create a doll.

Really learnt alot with this one. Has a really realistic finished product too!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Brief 2 | Changing concepts

Due to the lack of quality images, I have decided to change to the Celebrity dolls concept. I believe that this brief will allow for me to play more towards my strengths and learn a little more about precision in Photoshop.

The image that i'm choosing to change is of beautiful Andy Whitfield, a model/actor.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brief 2 | Visual Fiction

With this brief I found myself torn between several of the themes available on

I couldn't decide between the 'Mate a movie', 'Out of place' and 'Celebrity dolls' contests.
At the start I chose the Mate a movie concept and was attempting to merge Wall-E with X-files, to create the E-files. Unfortunately due to a lack of being able to source images of a high enough quality to create a passable meld, I made the decision to choose another concept.

I didn't have a problem finding decent sized images of Wall-E, the X-files was a little more difficult however, only managing to find images that were about 600x600pixels, which weren't sufficient enough.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Brief 1|

I had a little trouble getting started off with this unit. Wasn't very happy with my first assignment. Not much to show for this first brief.

I was trying to portray my love for the changing seasons, it is a combination of scanned textures and photographs and digital manipulation.